커뮤니티 총회알림 생명공동체 운동10년민족공동체의 치유와 화해, 평화통일을 위한 기도 100

민족공동체의 치유와 화해, 평화통일을 위한 기도 100



1. May the churches prepare for a peaceful and just future.
2. Make us thirst for the new era of peace.
3. Light the passion and yearning of the young generation to overcome the division and work for peaceful reunification.
4. We pray for the invigoration of academic exchanges, such as joint excavations of historical sites, as a way to bring citizen integration.
5. Open the field of ministry to the North Korean refugee pastors.
6. May the united team of North and South athletes participating in the 2018 Winter Olympics become a foundation for peaceful reunification.
7. Help the churches of North and South, together with the Korean churches around the world, to set up a fund to use for peaceful reunification.
8. Help the North Korean refugees who have entered graduate school to focus on their studies without financial difficulty and to become professionals in their chosen areas.
9. Give faith and wisdom to the North Korean refugee college students, that they may overcome all difficulties in finishing their coursework.
10. Give the North Korean refugees the opportunity to learn professional knowledge and skills, enabling them to adjust to South Korean society.
11. At each level?churches, presbyteries and general assembly?may education be carried out for understanding of the North Korean society and people.
12. Help the remaining “stumps” who continue to serve you in North Korea stay true to their faith.
13. May Koreans have a proper understanding of the history of division, in order to understand each other and work together for peaceful reunification.
14. Protect the life and safety of the North Korean teenagers who have left their country and are wandering in China and elsewhere, and lead them to a safe life.
15. May the North Korean refugee students who enter the seminary to serve you, be trained in a balance of spirituality, knowledge and wisdom. Guide their continuous training in ministry.
16. Give the churches wisdom to study and prepare specifically for peaceful reunification.
17. May North and South work together to carry out realistic studies and make detailed action plans towards peaceful reunification.
18. Help the people of North Korea and South Korea to clear their minds of any sense of economic superiority or sense of inferiority, to halt their mutual criticisms, and to accept each other as companions for the future.
19. Help us open a permanent video conference room where the divided families can see the faces of their loved ones.
20. Extend your hands of care, love and help to those North Korean refugees who have entered South Korea but are not eligible to receive legal support.
21. Protect the defectors who wish to come to the South, that they may not be harmed by physical or mental difficulties.
22. May the young generations of North and South liberate themselves from prejudice and the mutual sense of superiority, and come together in love for our one nation.
23. May the churches of South Korea, the Korean churches worldwide, and the North Korean Christian Federation come together in theological study and reflection toward peaceful reunification.
24. May North and South put an end to the enmity and confrontation bequeathed by the 20th century Cold War, as we change our mutual perceptions and feel new warmth in our hearts for each other.
25. May the next generation have deep understanding and insight into the process of Korea’s division.
26. May the churches in North and South reflect on the division of Korea, and come to an understanding that will enable them to have faith in peaceful reunification.
27. May the churches in North Korea be built autonomously by the hands of the people and be welcomed and commended by all North Korean people.
28. May the people of North and South commute back and forth freely and unconditionally, so that they may enhance their mutual understanding.
29. Protect the North Korean believers who have defected and are living in China or other third countries.
30. May the North Korean refugee churches not suffer interior or exterior difficulties such as financial problems.
31. May the next generation have hope and commitment for a unified Korea and peace in East Asia.
32. Bless the 2,000 North Korean refugees in the London area, and many more in other countries, that they may live in security and without a confused sense of identity.
33. Provide ways for the refugees to participate in the process of peace, reconciliation and North Korea mission.
34. May the Korean church care and pray for the North Korean refugees settled in South Korea.
35. Grant peace in the love of Christ to the North Korean refugees who have settled in South Korea.
36. We pray for the care and education of the children of North Korean refugees residing in China. Make a way for us to provide them with support.
37. Protect North Korean refugee women from human trafficking.
38. May we deepen our interest in social service facilities for North Korea, and provide aid for this cause.
39. Send a faithful leader who will end the North-South division and start the new age of peacefully reunified Korea.
40. May there be peace, that the horror of the Korean War may not be repeated.
41. Grant peace through reconciliation to all the countries of East Asia, so that Korea may walk the road to prosperity in peace.
42. Guide Korea and the surrounding nations to come together in six-party talks for the peaceful reunification of Korea.
43. Grant that we may contribute to world peace through Korea’s peaceful reunification.
44. Until the time of reunification, may the teams from North and South enter the Olympic Games as one unified team.
45. Before the year 2020, the 70th year of the Korean War, unify Korea and heal us by your grace.
46. May Korean Christians be used as apostles of your peace.
47. May the churches in East Asia interact peacefully and fulfill their calling as apostles of love and peace.
48. May we not forget the reality that the 70 years since liberation have been 70 years of division, and make us into people who pray for peace.
49. May scholars contribute to peaceful reunification through appropriate research.
50. May the North and the South break away from their state of military confrontation and ceasefire, and proclaim the news of peace in the Korean peninsula.
51. May peaceful reunification bless the Korean peninsula, as our people overcome the 70-year division and restore our sense of national unity.
52. We pray for the preservation of the natural environment in the Demilitarized Zone, that it may serve as a symbol of peace.
53. Help the North and the South to refrain from mutual slander, and to gain each other’s trust through dialogue.
54. May there be specific efforts for permanent peace and reunification of the North and the South.
55. May the North and the South stop their nuclear and conventional arms race, and "beat their swords into plowshares."
56. May the unified Korean peninsula be a symbol of peace in East Asia and the world.
57. May there be an end to the mutual hatred and ill will, and may North and South recover their love for their people on the other side of the border.
58. May people once again visit freely and safely between North and South, especially through the Geumgangsan tours and Gaeseong Industrial Park tours.
59. May the next generation understand the tragedy of the Korean War and division, and work for peace and reunification.
60. May the next generation in South Korea overcome all prejudice against North Koreans, and accept them as part of one nation with one language and culture.
61. May the younger generations understand the cultures of both the North and the South.
62. May the next generation rightly understand the legitimacy and the necessity of peaceful reunification through peace education.
63. May there be unity among young South Koreans and young North Korean refugees.
64. Open the way for the 10 million people who are separated from their families to come and go freely across the border.
65. May there be a permanent reunion center for South Korea’s 68 thousand people searching for their families in the North.
66. May legal and systematic support be provided for people to freely visit their family members in the North and the South.
67. We pray that you will make a way for elderly persons over the age of 80 to meet their missing family members before it is too late.
68. May economic exchanges thrive on the base of Gaeseong Industrial Region, and may we prosper in mutually beneficial ways.
69. May the North and the South stop their arms race and embark on a path of peaceful prosperity.
70. May the scars of war in the Demilitarized Zone be healed, and may it become a space for peace education for the next generation.
71. We pray for the removal of obstacles blocking verification of the survival of family members in the North, and for the withdrawal of barriers standing in the way of their reunion.
72. Heal the sorrows of North Korean refugees who have recently separated from their families.
73. Heal the scars and pains of the generation that experienced the tragedy of the Korean War.
74. May the churches in the North and the South cooperate after reunification, committing themselves to world evangelization, and becoming instruments of God’s mission as they testify to the peace of heaven.
75. May the theological education institutions operate faithfully to raise up ministers for the North Korean church, and may the global church and the South Korean church provide appropriate aid.
76. May the Korean Christian Federation (KCF) be a faithful instrument of God’s glory, fulfilling its calling toward peaceful reunification of the North and the South.
77. Protect the future North Korean church from cults and heresies.
78. Build your unified church, your church that is undivided by denominational disputes, in every North Korean village.
79. May churches be raised up once again in every village of the North, and may they fulfill their calling as the salt and the light of the earth.
80. May the approximately 100,000 North Korean refugees residing in China and other countries be assured of their human rights and dignity.
81. May the refugees not be forcibly deported back to North Korea. If they are deported, grant that they do not face danger.
82. May there be sustained medical aid from the international community and South Korea for the eradication of tuberculosis in North Korea.
83. May there be adequate aid for education and hunger relief for North Korean infants and children.
84. May there be active communication between the young people of North Korea and South Korea, motivating this generation to grow together as stepping stones to social reunification.
85. We pray for increased artistic exchanges in music, literature and the fine arts to alleviate our sociocultural differences.
86. We pray that increased athletic exchanges, such as soccer meets between Seoul and Pyongyang, may contribute to citizens’ unification.
87. May agricultural exchanges increase between the North and the South, alleviating the North’s food crisis and spurring mutual development of the agricultural sector.
88. May the diaspora churches and overseas Koreans share Christ’s love with the North Koreans through continuing humanitarian aid.
89. May the 11,000 youth and young adult North Korean refugees adapt smoothly to the South Korean society as they continue their studies.
90. We pray for jobs and a financially secure livelihood for the 28,000 North Korean refugees starting a new life in the South.
91. We pray for the protection of North Korean refugees and their wholeness of life as residents of China and other nations, as they hope and wait to enter South Korea.
92. God of life, protect the lives and bodies of North Koreans crossing borders in search of a livelihood.
93. We pray for the opening of channels for the divided families in the North and the South to communicate freely with each other.
94. May the works of South Korean and overseas civic agencies bear fruit and the barren mountains be made green again.
95. May the South Korean churches, Christian nongovernmental organizations, and cooperative agencies be actively involved in personnel exchanges and humanitarian aid efforts, thus helping to lower the barriers between the North and the South.
96. May the circumstances surrounding the Korean peninsula be improved, allowing nongovernmental aid agencies in the South to provide effective humanitarian support to the North.
97. May there be vigorous civic interaction and greater mutual understanding between the North and the South.
98. May the citizens of the North and the South be reconciled for peaceful interaction as loving compatriots.
99. May the South Korean church never cease praying for peaceful reunification.
100. May the Korean nation overcome its 70 years of division and work for peaceful reunification.
제 109회기 총회주일