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에큐메니칼 소식 대한예수교장로회총회의 에큐메니칼 소식 입니다.

에큐메니칼 기구 및 해외 동역교회(2024년 현재)

사무총장실 2023-06-01 (목) 15:01 1년전 1808  

1. 세계 에큐메니칼 기구(International Ecumenical Organizations), 6


1) 세계교회협의회 (WCC)
World Council of Churches

2) 세계개혁교회커뮤니언 (WCRC)
World Communion of Reformed Churches

3) 아시아기독교협의회 (CCA)
Christian Conference of Asia

4) 세계선교협의회 (CWM)
Council for World Mission

5) 미션21 (Mission21)

6) 기독교선교연대 (EMS)
Evangelical Mission in Solidarity



2. 에큐메니칼 선교협력 교회
(Ecumenical Mission Partner Churches of the PCK), 45


. 아시아 Asia(18)

1) 남인도교회 (CSI)
Church of South India

2) 북인도교회 (CNI)
Church in North India

3) 인도장로교회 (PCI)
Presbyterian Church of India

4) 메트로폴리탄마토마교회(MMTC)
Metropolitan Mar Thoma Church

5) 대만장로교회 (PCT)
The Presbyterian Chruch in Taiwan

6) 인도네시아바탁그리스도교회(HKBP) 

    Huria Kristen Batak Protestan

7) 미나하사기독교복음교회 (GMIM)
The Christian Evangelical Church in Minahasa

8) 인도네시아예수그리스도교회 (GIA)
The Church of Jesus Christ in Indonesia

9) 일본그리스도교회 (CCJ)
Church of Christ in Japan

10) 일본기독교단 (UCCJ)
The United Church of Christ in Japan

11) 일본예수그리스도교회 (JCCJ)
The Jesus Christ Church in Japan

12) 재일대한기독교회 (KCCJ)
The Korean Christian Church in Japan

13) 태국그리스도교회 (CCT)
The Church of Christ in Thailand

14) 필리핀그리스도연합교회 (UCCP)
United Church of Christ in the Philippines

15) 말레이시아복음교회(사바) (SIB)
SIB Sabah

16) 말레이시아복음교회(사라왁) (SIB)
SIB Sarawak

17) 말레이시아복음교회(서말레이시아) (SIB)
SIB Semenanjung

18) 말레이시아바젤그리스도교회 (BCCM)
The Basel Christian Church of Malaysia


. 유럽 Europe(8)

1) 네덜란드개신교회 (PKN)
Protestant Church in the Netherlands

2) 스위스개신교회 (PCS)
Federation of Swiss Protestant Churches

3) 스코틀랜드교회 (CoS)
The Church of Scotland

4) 웨일즈장로교회(PCW)

    Presbyterian Church of Wales

5) 연합개혁교회 (URC)
The United Reformed Church

6) 체코형제복음교회 (ECCB)
Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren

7) 프랑스연합개신교회 (EPUdF)
United Protestant Church of France

8) 헝가리개혁교회 (RCH)
The Reformed Church in Hungary


. 아프리카 Africa(7)

1) 가나복음장로교회 (EPCG)
Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana

2) 가나장로교회 (PCG)
Presbyterian Church of Ghana

3) 가봉복음교회 (EEDG)
Eglise Evangelique du Gabon

4) 동아프리카장로교회 (PCEA)
Presbyterian Church of East Africa

5) 킨샤사장로교회 (CPK)
Communaute Presbyterienne de Kinshasa

6) 에디오피아 메카네예수스 복음교회 (EECMY)
Ethiopia Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus

7) 케냐성공회 (ACK)
The Anglican Church of Kenya


. 태평양 Pacific(3)

1) 호주연합교회 (UCA)
Uniting church in Australia

2) 뉴질랜드장로교회 (PCANZ)
The Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand

3) 바누아투장로교회 (PCV)
Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu


. 중남미 Middle/South America(5)

1) 도미니카공화국복음교회 (IED)
Iglesia Evangelica Dominicana

2) 브라질장로교회 (IPB)

    Presbyterian Church of Brasil 

3) 멕시코장로교회 (INPM)
National Presbyterian Church of Mexico  

4) 쿠바개혁장로교회 (RPCC)
Reformed Presbyterian Church in Cuba

5) 볼리비아예수교장로교회 (IEPB)
La Iglesia Evangelica Pebiteriana Boliviana


. 북미 North America(4)

1) 캐나다장로교회 (PCC)
The Presbyterian Church in Canada

2) 미국장로교회 (PCUSA)
The Presbyterian Church in America

3) 미국개혁교회 (RCA)
Reformed Church in America

4) 해외한인장로회 (KPCA)
Korean Presbyterian Church Abroad


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