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에큐메니칼 소식 대한예수교장로회총회의 에큐메니칼 소식 입니다.

CCA 청년 평화운동가 양성 프로그램 YAPA 안내

사무총장실 2022-07-13 (수) 14:00 2년전 1997  


1. 프로그램: the Young Ambassadors of Peace in Asia (YAPA) 

2. 일시: 2022년 8월 7일(일) ~ 14일(일) 

3. 장소: 태국 치앙마이 CCA 본부

4. 주제: "아시아에서의 정의로운 평화의 촉매제, 청년"

5. 훈련 내용: 평화구축과 관련된 다양한 주제 (아래 영문의 밑줄 참고)

6. 지원 자격: 만 20세에서 30세 사이의 청년, 영어로 의사소통 가능한 사람

7. 지원 내용: 비행기, 숙박 모두 CCA에서 지원

8. 지원 링크: https://forms.gle/6YBp3Z5EkHb68veD7

9. 지원 마감: 원래 7월 13일까지였으나 7월 20일까지로 연장

10. 제출 서류: 이력서, 교단 추천서, 국가 보고 에세이, 여권사본, 사진, 백신접종 증명서

11. 문의 (CCA) : bp-cca@cca.org.hk.

               (PCK) 노태민 목사 02-741-4350/ 내선 9101

* 첨부파일: YAPA  콘셉트 페이퍼


The Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) invites applications for the Young Ambassadors of Peace in Asia (YAPA) programme, which will take place in person at the CCA Headquarters in Chiang Mai, Thailand, from 7 to 14 August 2022. 


The week-long training programme for young prospective peace activists will focus on the theme ‘Youth as Catalysts for Peace with Justice in Asia’.


YAPA–2022 will enable young people as positive actors and catalysts of change in peacebuilding processes, while also strengthening their role in peacebuilding amidst conflicts, violence, and human rights violations in Asia. 


Through a wide range of formal and informal interactive learning sessions, the participants will advance their skills in peacebuilding advocacy and initiatives. The topics covered during the training session include: Peacebuilding: Concepts, Principles, and Frameworks; Understanding the Different between Conflict, War, and Violence; The Roots of Ethnoreligious Conflicts in Asia; Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding; Skills of a Peacebuilder in Conflict Mediation and Conflict Transformation; Models of Peacebuilding and Reconciliation Initiatives; South-South Cooperation for Sustainable Peace; etc. 


Twenty candidates will be selected from among the applicants. The CCA will cover costs related to the board and lodging, and local expenses of selected participants. Limited travel subsidies are also available upon request.


Selection will be based on competence as well as the commitment of candidates willing to implement peacebuilding initiatives upon their return to their respective countries.


Interested candidates may submit their complete applications with all supporting documents by 13 July 2022. 


Applications must be submitted online via Google Form: https://forms.gle/6YBp3Z5EkHb68veD7 


More information can downloaded from the following link: YAPA-2022 Concept Note.


For enquiries, please write to bp-cca@cca.org.hk.


The supporting documents that must be uploaded in this form include:
Curriculum Vitae with details of academic qualifications, personal details, and work experiences;
Letter of Recommendation/endorsement from member church/council/ ecumenical organisation/ institution
A short Country Report essay (describing (i) one's educational/volunteer/professional experience and ecumenical/church/interfaith involvement; (ii) problems in one's country and community; and (iii) efforts needed and being made to address the problems)
Scanned copy of ID/passport
Official photograph (scanned digital copy)
COVID-19 Proof of Vaccination 



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